Snapshot of a Soul Place can be purchased at the following locations:
Burnaby, Down Syndrome Research Foundation, Sperling Ave
Castlegar, Café Books, 111-1983 Columbia Ave
Castlegar, Kootenay Gallery, 120 Heritage Way
Castlegar, Kootenay Society for Community Living, 2224 6th Ave
Duncan, Ten Old Books, 330 Duncan St
Duncan, Volume 1, 149 Kenneth St
Ladysmith, Salamander Books, 535 First Ave
Nanaimo, Kool and Child, Bowen Rd
Nanaimo, Community Living, Cavan St
Nelson, Otter Books, 398 Baker St
Pender Island, Talisman Books, Bedwell Harbour Rd
Vancouver, Banyen Books, 3608 W 4th Ave
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